Since their invention, vacuum cleaners have become a must-have piece of cleaning equipment for any home. For people who own carpeted floors, vacuums are the only way to clean dust off their carpets and, for people with floors without carpets, vacuums suck up dust, dirt, and small debris in a way that a broom and dustpan never could.

But, in 1979, a new invention revolutionized the world of cleaning: cordless vacuum cleaners! Unlike their socket-powered, larger counterparts, cordless vacuum cleaners run on batteries, are small, handheld, and convenient, and are less powerful, making them perfect for cleaning delicate cloth materials like fine curtains, furniture, and desks and shelves.

But 2024 is a long way from 1979, and cordless vacuums have grown a lot since then. Now, they aren’t just limited to handheld vacuums, they come in all shapes and sizes!

So which products shine the brightest today?   


#10. Best Robot Vacuum: DreameBot D10 Plus $400

The DreameBot boasts one of the most accurate LiDAR laser navigation technologies available on robot vacs, which helps it build maps quickly and allows it to have smooth and accurate navigation. It also has intelligent, systemic path-planning for more efficient cleaning and to make sure that the same spot isn’t cleaned twice (unless you tell it to!)

The DreameBot D10 Plus also comes with a built-in app that lets you create cleaning plans, select cleaning modes, and set up no-go zones. 

However, the DreameBot D10 Plus suffers from the hurdles that all robot vacuums face. It can only clean floors, of course, so cleaning sofas, shelves, and desks is out of the question. It also cannot be used to clean carpets and rugs, as anything other than a smooth floor will give its wheels and lasers trouble. In fact, when we used it on a tiled floor, it had a hard time navigating the uneven tiles and the grout between them!

Still, if you can overlook some of the bugs in this smart vacuum, and you prefer to let something else take care of the vacuuming, the DreameBot D10 Plus is the best option for you.

Get yours here!

#9. Best Upright Cordless Vacuum: Samsung Jet 90 $600

Upright vacuums are known for their raw power. IUp until recently, the raw power of upright vacuums could only be achieved using a cord and an electrical socket, but new advances in battery technology have allowed cordless vacuums to become more and more powerful.

Enter the Samsung Jet 90. With dual-charging technology that gives you a full battery in 3.5 hours, a 60-minute battery life, and 200 Air Watts of suction power, this cordless vacuum beats most corded vacuum cleaners with sheer power alone!

But all that power has its drawbacks. For starters, the Samsung Jet 90 costs $600. Also, if you have an apartment or home that doesn’t have carpeted floors or spaces like garages, basements, and storage sheds, you might not need the industrial-strength suction power of the Jet 90. 

However, if you own a big house, have lots of pets, have spaces where a lot of dust builds up, or own a small business that attracts dust, dirt, debris like flour or other materials, then the Jet 90 could be right for you!

Get one here!

#8. Best Cordless Carpet Cleaner: BISSELL TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner $113

If you’ve got a carpet and one (or many) pets, then a cordless vacuum might not be enough for you. But don’t fret, we’ve included this cordless carpet cleaner in this list just for you!

With its four-row DeepReach PowerBrush Roll was specifically designed to target pet-originated messes like pee, vomit, and even feces. 

The TurboClean uses a two-tank system, so that clean water and cleaning formula are kept in one tank, while dirty water goes into another tank, meaning that you will never put dirty water back into your carpet, a feature that many carpet cleaners lack!

However, cordless carpet cleaners are different from cordless vacuums in that you can only really use them to clean carpets and certain kinds of rugs and sofas, so you can’t use them to clean hard floors and surfaces. You also can’t use these kinds of carpet cleaners without water.

But, if you have lots of pets and carpeted floors, this one’s for you!

Find one here! 

#7. Best Handheld Cordless Vacuum: RYOBI 18V  ONE+ $3

Handheld cordless vacuums like the classic dustbuster are known for their convenience and gentle suction, making them perfect for vacuuming desks, delicate furniture, curtains, and even clothing!

But these classic handheld vacs lacked one thing: suction power.

That’s where the RYOBI ONE+ really shines. Without a doubt, it’s the handheld vacuum cleaner with the most powerful suction, able to clean even the most robust piles of dirt, dust, debris, or residue without becoming clogged!

RYOBI is known for manufacturing power tools and lawnmowers, and the ONE+ is the perfect blend between a power tool and a vacuum cleaner, using the same removable battery that many handheld power drills use, and sharing the design philosophy, aesthetics, and ergonomics of handheld power tools. 

However, we believe that the ONE+ lacks a few features, like gentler suction modes, attachments for smaller cleaning spaces, and a battery pack that’s a little easier to remove. It’s also very loud, so make sure to only use it during the day!

Still, it’s a great product if you work with arts and crafts or have a very dusty car or home!

Get one here!

#6. Best Cordless Bed Vacuum Cleaner: Coopers Cordless Bed Vacuum £29.99

Cordless bed vacuums are exactly what they sound like: handheld devices made specifically to clean your mattress and sheets.

This neat little gadget from Coopers of Stortford is convenient, easy to use and, despite its small size, it’s powerful enough to get the job done right!

With its blue light technology, this handheld vac kills bacteria and shows you signs of possible pests like bedbugs and dust mites, so you can sleep soundly!

Because of its small, convenient size, however, this bed vac has a very small dustbin, and a short battery life of around 30 minutes. 

Still, if you want to sleep easy and not let the bedbugs bite, then you can’t go wrong with this little vac!

Find one here!

#5. Best Car Vacuum: Sakker Mini Car Vacuum 3 in 1 $60 on sale

When it comes to vacuuming your car, you need a specialized tool!

Luckily, Sakker’s got you covered with a handy handheld, cordless vacuum cleaner that comes with attachments specifically designed to clean car surfaces like delicate leather, hard-to-reach spots between and underneath seats, and attachment brushes that don’t scratch screens and the plastic of interior consoles. 

There are a few drawbacks to this vac, however, like the fact that this vac struggles with pet hair and the fact that there’s no happy medium between the gentler modes and the more powerful modes.

Still, with an affordable price and a compact design, this is an easy purchase that you can have in your glove compartment or car trunk!

Get yours here!

#4. Best Vacuum for Shelves and Books: eufy by Anker $60 on sale

If you’ve got a lot of fragile knick knacks on your shelves or if you’re a book collector, then you need a gentle, versatile, and easy-to-hold cordless vacuum cleaner!

And Anker’s got just the thing with its eufy. This handy, handheld vac is strong enough to get all the dust and particles out of your shelves, but gentle enough to vacuum individual book pages themselves.

However, its portability and gentle nature mean that the eufy isn’t great at cleaning bigger surfaces like floors, large furniture with deep fibers, carpets, or fabric car seats.

Still, if you want to keep your books and shelves dust mite and bookworm free, this little vac will go a long way toward that goal!

Get one here!

#3. Best Vacuum for Insects: G·PEH 6 in 1 Bug Catcher $30

Nobody likes to admit that they have a bug problem in their home, but what if we told you that you can get a vacuum cleaner to help get rid of, and even prevent, insect pests? 

G·PEH’s got a wonderful pest-busting tool in its 6 in 1 Bug Catcher cordless, handheld vacuum. With gentle suction an a mechanism to allow insects to be taken alive through the machine and delivered to the dustbin unharmed, G·PEH gets rid of insects in a humane way.

This bug catcher even comes with a transparent insect cage with a magnifying top, so you can watch and identify the insect before bringing it back out into the wild! 

However, this vacuum isn’t as efficient as other handheld vacuums, as some of its interior power was sacrificed to ensure that insects could make their way through it alive.

Find it here!

#2. Best Vacuum for Pet Hair: Dyson V8 $350 on sale (usually $470)

If you don’t have a carpet but have long hair and a pet, then the Dyson V8 was made for you!

It’s a versatile cordless vac that can be extended into a stick vac with its various attachments. 

Dyson’s patented Motorbar design allows this powerful vac to suck up, untangle, and process hair better than any other vacuum on this list, and it works on any kind of floor or surface!

With two cleaning modes, no-touch dust bin cleaning that promotes your health, versatile attachments, and whole-machine filtration that helps combat indoor air pollution and allergens, this is one amazing package!

Still, there are some drawbacks. This cordless vac’s battery leaves a lot to be desired. With a slow charging time of 5 hours and a short battery life of 10 minutes on the high setting, we would’ve preferred a corded option! 

But we stand by our recommendation that this is the best cordless vacuum for pet hair and long hair, as its internals were specifically designed to tackle it.

Get yours here!

#1. Best Overall: Tineco Pure ONE S11 $300

We’ve gone over some great vacs on this list, each one with very specific features. The Tineco Pure ONE S11 cordless vacuum cleaner embodies the best of all of those categories in one sleek, premium, and affordable package!

Its roller brush was specifically designed to tackle not just pet hair, but also dust, food crumbs, and pet food as well, with even large chunks being no match for its efficient design. 

With its futuristic, All-in-One  LED screen, this smart vac shows you the battery level, then also tells you when you need to clean the brush roller, clean the filter and air channel, and clean the dust sensor. The red light around the screen also changes to show you if there’s debris in the air channel: red for debris detected and blu for debris cleared!

This amazing vac also comes with more attachments than most, giving you plenty of options in any cleaning scenario. Whether you’re vacuuming your car, cleaning your carpet, getting a tough-to-reach spot on the ceiling or floor, or cleaning between tight crevices, Tineco’s got you covered!

Its suction is also very powerful, but this efficient vac’s power is not a downside. This vac only weighs 7 pounds, its battery runs 40 minutes on the highest setting, giving you plenty of time for a good cleaning session. 

Find yours here!

Now you’re an expert in cordless vacs! 2024 is looking like a great year to get into cleaning and, if your vacuum is looking a little worse for wear, then it’s definitely the right time to get an upgrade!

Have fun vacuuming!

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